
How many litres in a gallon in Canada ?

Does anyone know how many litres there are in a Canadian Gallon?



How much alcohol can i bring to Canada

What are the regulations and limitations regarding the quantity of alcohol individuals can bring into Canada for personal use.


When is eid 2024 Canada

What are the specific dates for Eid al-fitar in Canada in 2024, and how do Canadian muslims typically observe this religious holiday?


What time zone in Alberta Canada ?

I am new in Alberta and don't know about Alberta time zone. Can you please guide me what time zone in Alberta Canada?


How many homeless in Canada

Do you know how many homeless people are there in Canada?



What about Canada Country

I want to gain knowledge about Canada, can you tell me What about Canada Country is most Interesting.



What time zone is Ontario Canada

I recently landed Canada and want to know what time zone is in Ontario Canada



How to earn money in Canada

What are some common ways to make money in Canada, and what qualification is needed?



Can i get the grimace shake in Canada

Can I get Grimace Shake in Canada?



Is escorting legal in Canada

Is it legal to work in Canada as an escort?
